English Learners & Literacy
Learning to read and write in English, while simultaneously becoming facile with spoken English, is a challenge for the many English Learners in American schools. For English Learners, intentional instruction and exposure to vocabulary are especially critical. TextProject has numerous resources to support educators ensure that English Learners get the solid foundation that they need to become highly literate.
Visit our Pinterest board on English Learners & Literacy for an overview of our resources.
English Learners, Diversity, and the Common Core
- Kenji Hakuta on The Understanding Language Initiative (YouTube)
- Literacy for a Diverse Society (Book)
Instruction for English Learners
- Text Complexity and English Learners—Building Vocabulary (Text Matters)
- Teaching English Learners: Vocabulary (Parts 1 & 2) (YouTube)
Spanish Cognates & English Academic Language
- Spanish-English cognates (Lists & Forms)
- Cognates (Frankly Freddy)
- Exceptional Expressions for Everyday Events (Teacher Resources)
Texts for English Learners
- Identifying Principles for the Creation of Texts in a Variety of Languages for Beginning Readers (Frankly Freddy)
- BeginningReads (Student Resources)