Free student texts and teacher resources
Free Classroom Materials
Free student texts and teacher resources
Classroom-proven resources including favorite books, reading passages, vocabulary lessons, word pictures, literacy lists & forms.
Vocabulary Instruction
TextProject provides free resources for the four kinds of vocabulary words that contribute to reading comprehension: core, academic, content-area, and literary.
Free Student Texts
Free texts for reading instruction!
For programs such as BeginningReaders and FYI for Kids, world-renowned researcher and teacher educator, Patricia Cunningham, has written lessons to accompany the texts.
Frankly Freddy Blog
The Science of Word Zones: How Big Data is Building Better Readers
In my recent article “Unpacking automaticity: Scaffolded texts and comprehension,” I introduced Critical Word Zones as the foundation for scaffolded texts. When discussing this approach, educators often ask if scaffolded texts are a return to Dick-and-Jane-style controlled vocabulary. The answer to this question is an unequivocal no. The scaffolded texts built around critical word zones…
Revolutionizing Vocabulary Learning: AI’s Contributions to Word Selection in Education
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers educators a data-driven alternative to intuition-based word lists. By analyzing vast language datasets, AI tools can identify word clusters supporting text comprehension and general knowledge, as well as words with rich webs of related vocabulary.