
    by  |  December 28, 2010

    E4 Look Word Web


    Exceptional Expressions for Everyday Events

    There are all sorts of looking that takes place over a school day. Students look up when there is a loud noise, they look out of the window, and they look for their books when it’s time to change subjects.

    Look can be used as both a verb and noun. The most common use of to look is the process of using the eyes to see something. However, there are several other common uses for to look.

    Look can also be used as a noun. For example, a teacher may ask to take a look at a student’s assignment.


    • What is the difference between staring and glancing at a book?
    • Would you imagine or observe a science experiment unfold?
    • How is glancing at a book different than browsing a book?
    • What does it mean to rubberneck or gawk?

    The Spanish Connection

    The word look is an Old English word lócian. The Spanish word for to look is mirar. Look and mirar are not cognates. However, some synonyms for look have Spanish cognates.

    Word Changes

    • The different ways a person can look at something are also reflected in many different idioms and common phrases. A person who is complacent about something is “looking the other way.” A person who is being optimistic is “looking on the bright side.” Someone who looks great “looks a million bucks.”
    E4 Look Morphology Web

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