
Ban on Plastic Bags

This issue of TP4K examines the costs and benefits of using plastic bags.

Children’s literacy learning and screen time

A question that parents frequently ask these days is: Does screen time count as reading time? With such a wide variety of online reading experiences available, the short answer would be have to be, “Yes, but…”

Heavy Backpacks

Backpacks are useful for carrying school supplies.  A student can fill their backpack with books, notebooks, pens, pencils, and other things a student may need at school.  The question asked in this Talking Points for Kids is: Can a backpack be too full, or too heavy?

Are 21st century 5-year-olds cognitively ready to read?

TextProject founder Elfrieda (Freddy) Hiebert’s examination of assumptions in the Common Core State Standards regarding kindergarten instruction and the history of kindergarten text difficulty. Click to view the blog post at the Washington Post website in the Washington Post blog, The Answer Sheet.

Is Reading in Kindergarten the Means for Ensuring College and Career Readiness?

The inclusion of kindergarten in the CCSS about text difficulty represents an implicit assumption about beginning reading that also requires consideration—that earlier is better. Does beginning reading in kindergarten truly ensure that high school graduates are better at reading the complex texts of careers and college? In this essay, I review research on both the explicit and implicit assumptions within the CCSS regarding formal reading instruction in kindergarten: the dumbing down of kindergarten texts and the pushing down of reading instruction to kindergarten.

Living in Zoos

A day at a zoo can be quite memorable for the zoo visitors.  But what about the animals that live at the zoo?