

The Oxford English Dictionary contains dozens of definitions for give. The most common definition, however, is the physical transfer of an object.


Teach is a verb meaning to show, explain, instruct and generally impart knowledge to someone. Teaching can occur in a formal setting such as a lecture class, or in a casual exchange between a father and son, perhaps as they repair a car or fish off a pier.


More is a word that can be used in more ways than you might imagine! In general, more helps in making comparisons between different quantities.


The word less shares some traits with its counterpart, more. It, too, is a comparative word that functions as an adjective, an adverb, or a noun, but less refers to smaller rather than larger quantities.


No time is better than the present to discuss time! Time is so essential, it can be a bit of a struggle even to define time without using the word itself.


Using one’s imagination is an enjoyable, creative, and often productive part of learning. To imagine is to create a picture or idea in your mind.


The focus of this discussion is focus! This versatile word can serve as a verb or a noun, and it is useful in quite a few specialized contexts such as math and physics.


Find is a common word in classrooms. To find is to search for something lost or unknown. The word find is used as both a verb and a noun.


In a classroom, students may be asked to show how they solved a math problem. Teachers may show students how to use microscopes correctly. The word show can be used as a verb or as a noun.


Rarely are students told to be loud in a classroom. Loud is an excellent word to discuss in class, particularly in comparison to its opposite—quiet.