Gina Cervetti (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is an associate professor of Literacy, Language, and Culture at University of Michigan’s School of Education. The focus of Gina’s work is on science as a context for language and literacy development and, in particular, on how students can build knowledge and language to support future reading through their experiences in content-rich, inquiry-based science instruction. Gina is also involved in work on academic discourse and vocabulary acquisition in science and on how curriculum materials can best support teachers’ practice and teacher learning. Following her doctoral work in educational psychology at Michigan State University, Gina worked for several years as a postdoctoral scholar and researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, on the Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading (Seeds/Roots) program. Gina led the literacy team in its conceptualization and development of integrated science-literacy curriculum units for students in grades 2-5.
For more information about Dr. Cervetti please visit her faculty website at UMICH.