Podcast: Valuable Words About Vocabulary

    by  |  January 29, 2024

    Freddy speaks with the hosts of the podcast Literacy Talks about how small changes in teaching vocabulary and text complexity can lead to big differences in students’ literacy growth.

    TextProject resources referenced in this podcast:

    • FYI for Kids
      Literacy Talks host Lindsay Kemeny says: “I love that it was just one sheet—kind of like a little magazine spread on the topic that we could read. And my students love that.”
    • Core Vocabulary Word Maps
      Supports students’ vocabularies through word maps of three kinds: semantic, word families, and multiple-meaning words. Each type of CVP Word maps represents a different form of the critical knowledge represented by the 2,500 word families.
    • Core Vocabulary Word Pictures
      Word Pictures for many of the concept groups within the core vocabulary.
    Cover of TextProject Word Pictures: The Arts. Photo of a man playing the accordion next to another photo of a street mural depicting huge orange flowers and foilage.
    Example of a Core Vocabulary Word Picture