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Four Pictures By Emily Carr

Written and illustrated by Nicolas Debon

Emily Carr was a Canadian artist and writer. Everything she did or wanted to do was in conflict with the world she lived in. Carr was an artist when there were very few female artists in the world. She enjoyed painting the native people of Vancouver Island when there was still great prejudice against them. Later in life Carr stopped painting because she wasn’t accepted and was heavily criticized for her artwork. It was many years later, when she met the Group of Seven, that she resumed painting.

This book is in a graphic novel format, and beautifully complements Carr’s artwork and life. The purpose of this book is not to tell Carr’s entire life story, but rather to give the background story to four of her works of art. The book begins with Ada and Louisa Outside Cedar Canim’s House, Ucluelet and ends with Scorched as Timber, Beloved of the Sky.

Grade Level: 6-8

Genre: Biography & Memoir

Format: Picture Story Book


Music & Art
Women's Studies