
    by | December 31, 2014


    Super Synonym Sets for Stories

    There are three general themes among the various definitions of the word send: going, delivering, and emitting. Students may encounter all of these definitions in the texts they read. They may read a story about a parent who sends his or her child to school by force because the child does not want to go. Or a student may read a story about a teacher who sends a student home with the class pet. In these cases, send refers to the child going to school or going home with the class pet.

    Many definitions of send articulate the nuances of delivering something. Different definitions convey the delivery of a message, action, or object whether by person or some other means (like through the mail). A student may read a story where a person has sent a message to another person or maybe the person receives a package sent from their grandparents in the mail. These are example of the word send relating to the theme of delivery.

    Send as in to emit may be encountered in stories with loud noises. For example, the girl sends out a cry for help or the dog sends a loud bark through the house.

    Follow Up

    • What kinds of things do we send via delivery?
    • What other things might we send, or emit, in addition to sound? (HINT: think of other senses- i.e. send a shiver down my spin.)

    The Spanish Connection

    The word send is Germanic in origin and is related to the Old English word sendan, the Dutch word zenden, and the Low German word senden. Send does not a Spanish cognate, but many synonyms of send do. For example, a synonym for the definition of send “as in to emit or discharge” is the word emit. The Spanish cognate of to emit is emitir.

    Word Changes

    The past tense of send is the word sent, an irregular verb. This may challenge beginning or struggling readers, but providing definitions and examples of when each word is to be used will be helpful.

    Resent is a homograph. Resent can mean to have sent something, or it can mean to be angry or upset. The main difference is that resent—simple past tense and past participle of send—is pronounced as [ree-sent]. Where as resent—to be angry or upset—is pronounced as [ri-zent].

    Send Morpho

    S4-18-Send (1.3 MB)