Machines and Tools


    Everyday machines and tools make completing different tasks a little easier. There are lots of different kinds of tools and machines, from simple to complex tools. We have lots of words that describe what they are and what they do. We’ve sorted them into four groups.


    General Terms About Machines and Tools

    In our day to day lives we use many words to describe machines and tools. We have words to describe the different parts they are made of, the resources that power them, and words that describe what they do. These general terms are helpful when talking about machines and tools.

    Let’s take a look at some of the core vocabulary words that describe general terms about machines and tools.


    Machines and Tools Found in the Home

    You may not realize it, but your home is filled with machines and tools that make doing everyday tasks easier. The appliances, kitchen utensils, and technological gadgets are all machines and tools in your home.

    Let’s take a look at some of the core vocabulary words that describe machines and tools found in the home.


    Machines and Tools Used to Defend and Protect

    There are many machines and tools used to defend and protect us in different situations. Different weapons, transportation, and medical equipment are all tools that people use to defend and protect us.

    Let’s take a look at some of the core vocabulary words that describe machines and tools used to defend and protect.


    Small Tools, Machines, and Items Used in Construction

    When people build things they use many different machines and tools. Some are big and some are small. Regardless of their size, these tools are all helpful in the construction of things.

    Let’s take a look at some of the core vocabulary words that describe small tools, machines, and items used in construction.

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