Plants and Where Plants Grow


    Plants grow all around the world. There are lots of words that describe the types of plants, parts of plants, where plants grow, and the types of land plants grow on. We’ve sorted them into four groups.


    General Types and Parts of Plants

    Because there are millions of different types of plants all around the word, plants have been grouped into general types to make it easier for people to talk about them. A tree is different than a vine. Not only have people grouped plants into general types, but they have also observed parts of plants that work to keep the plants alive.

    Let’s take a look at some of the words that describe the general types and parts of plants.


    Specific Types of Plants

    Within the general types of plants, there are thousands of specific types. These types of plants have names. Can you name all of the kinds of trees you know? There are lots of different names specific types of plants are called.

    Let’s take a look at some of the names that describe the specific types of plants.


    Environments Plants Grow In

    Some plants can live in almost any condition, where as others can only live in one or two environments. Even Antarctica has a few types of living plants. There are lots of different words to describe the environments plants grow in and the places within those environments that plants thrive.

    Let’s take a look at some of the words that describe the environments plants grow in.


    Terms Used to Describe the Land Plants Grow On

    Plants grow all around the world in different environments, but they also grow on different types of land. There are lots of different words to describe general areas of land and the land used by farmers to grow plants.

    Let’s take a look at some of the words that describe the terms used to describe the types of land plants grow on.

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