
    Since the day you were born, you have been experiencing the passage of time. There are lots of words to describe how to track time, to tell how fast or slow time moves, and to measure time. We’ve sorted these words into three groups.  



    Ways We Keep Track of Time

    Is there a clock in your room or classroom? Do you use a calendar? Words that describe the tools we use to track time are important to know. Words describing different phases and season of time are also good to know, too. Let’s take a look at some of the words that describe the seasons, phases of time, and tools for tracking time.


    Speed and Rate

    Time can go by very quickly—especially when doing something fun. Time also can feel steady and repetitive; you can easily guess what comes next. There are lots of words to describe how fast or slow time moves. There are words that describe how often something happens as well. Let’s take a look at some of the words that describe the speed and rate of time. 



    How We Measure Time

    Do you remember learning how to read a clock? You practiced where the minute and hour hands fell. You probably know, therefore, that units of time can vary from very short to very long. Let’s take a look at some of the words that describe daily, monthly, weekly, yearly, and greater than yearly units of time.

    Download the entire bundle, complete with the word maps and word pictures:
