

Good is quite hardworking and functional, as words go, serving in many situations as an adjective or a noun, as well as in a goodly number of phrases.


Bad is an adjective that can be applied to many unfortunate situations. The word bad can be used to refer to quality, behavior, or state of being.


Changing the subject, let’s talk about change. Change is widely used as both a verb and a noun, but in all cases it refers to a situation in which something is made or becomes different in some way.


Finish is a word that has many classroom uses but that can also add color and precision to writing or speech.


Want is another word that clearly expresses a basic idea, but that can include a wide range of nuanced meanings.


Fast is a versatile word, with many meanings and uses as well as synonyms.


Like its opposite, fast, slow is most often used as an adjective to describe an aspect of speed, in this case, low speed.


Happy is a very common word, but it does have some subtleties in the ways it is used.


Sad, like its opposite, happy, is an adjective generally used to describe feelings, although in this instance the feelings are those of sorrow or unhappiness.


Understanding the many, many ways in which the word right is used will certainly expand students’ language facility.