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Noah Webster

Written by Pegi Deitz Shae; Illustrated by Monica Vachula

To say Noah Webster was an overachiever is an understatement. In addition to English, Noah Webster knew 25 languages, many of which he taught himself. He was the author of numerous books, as well as newspaper and magazine articles. Noah Webster wrote on a wide range of topics ranging from the abolition of slavery to stopping the spread of yellow fever. Of course what Noah Webster is most well known for is writing the first American English dictionary.

It took Noah Webster many years and visits to libraries in both France and England. When he was done, An American Dictionary of the English Language was hailed the around the world and was adopted as the official dictionary for the English language in the United States, England, France, and Germany.

Because Webster had so many accomplishments, this book does feel like a whirlwind. But the author, Shea, does a good job at showcasing the ideas and passions that make up the man Noah Webster. An added bonus is that some of the people and situations Noah Webster interacts with give the reader a good background into Colonial America, the American Revolution, and the forming of the new government.

Grade Level: 4-5

Genre: Biography & Memoir

Format: Picture Story Book

