All About Books and Other Written Texts


    All About Books and Other Written Texts

    Everyday we encounter books and other things we read. There are many types of written texts, and what you find inside of each one may be different.  How books and other texts are written is also important. There are many words used to describe books and other written texts. We’ve grouped these words into three groups.


    Types of Written Texts

    Everyday you may come across many types of written texts. Do you like to read stories or novels? Have you ever used a dictionary at school or home? We’ve grouped some of these important types of written texts together.

    Let’s take a look at some of the words that describe types of written texts.


    What’s Inside a Text

    Don’t judge a book by its cover! The title of the text, how it is organized, and the images and illustrations in the text are all important parts of something you are reading.

    Let’s take a look at some of the words that describe what’s inside a text.


    How Books and Other Texts Are Written

    Have you ever wondered how a book is written? An author goes through a writing process and uses many supplies before his or her work is published.

    Let’s take a look at some of the words that describe how books and other texts are written.

    Download the entire bundle, complete with the word maps and word pictures:
