
Not All Rare Words Are Sesquipedalian!

A small part of the English vocabulary accounts for the majority of the words in the texts students read across the grades – but some of the words may surprise you.

What Does It Mean To Be A Digitally Literate Scholar?

Some thoughts for Literacy Research Association session: Opening up the ivory tower: Examining the elements of open, digitally engaged scholarship (November 28, 2018, Indian Wells, CA)

Stories of Words: Computers

When computers were invented in the 1930s scientists created new words to describe the new machine. When computers became widely used by people, people began to change the words used to describe computers. Now that computers have made its way into every corner of the world, new words and definitions of old words are created with lightning speed.

Stories of Words: Toponyms

Las Vegas. New York. Pie Town. Toponyms, or the names of places, are as different as the people who have named them. By learning the story of a toponym, you also learn the story of the people who lived in that place.

Stories of Words: Nym Word Groups

Putting words into groups can help us learn more words. For example, synonyms are a group of words that similar meanings. The word pretty is a synonym for the word beautiful. By knowing about the group, you can expand your vocabulary and knowledge about words. Words are labels for things and ideas. It makes sense that we have words to label groups of words, too.


Stories of Words: Spanish

Every day, millions of Americans are speaking Spanish. They are introducing Spanish words to the English language. Americans are speaking English words with deep Spanish roots. Or they are mixing Spanish and English words together and making new words. Whichever the case, Spanish is everywhere in the United States.

Stories of Words: Music

Music has its own set of words. 
Some words are used in other areas of life, but have very specific meanings in music. These words include notes, staff, and scale. 
Then there are words that are unique to the subject of music, such as aria.