

Said is the past tense and past participle form of the word say, and it is an unavoidable term for anyone using the English language.


Let’s think about ways to use the word think. In a classroom, regardless of the activity, the primary goal is to encourage students to think.


An everyday event in classrooms revolves around listening—listening to peers, teachers, CDs, DVDs, announcements on the school sound system, and so on. Listening is an integral part of learning.


Talking is, of course, a ubiquitous human activity. Describing different types of talking is one way to bring exceptional expressions into everyday events.


There are all sorts of looking that takes place over a school day. Students look up when there is a loud noise, they look out of the window, and they look for their books when it’s time to change subjects.


The way we move our body as we walk can convey emotion and meaning. Encourage students to recognize the different ways in which people can walk.


Writing is a form of communication that people use everyday. It can be as simple as jotting down a list of groceries, or it can be as complex as producing a research paper. Writing can also be as full of emotions as a love letter.


Many words can communicate more precisely the kinds of activities in which students engage. See how many of the words in the word web you and your students can integrate into your everyday classroom talk.


Everyday learning in the classroom requires the asking of a variety of questions. As illustrated in the word web, the word ask can be used in a multitude of ways.


Schools are about learning—from peers as well as teachers. Many synonyms exist for the verb to learn, as well as numerous idioms and common phrases. There many ways to integrate these into everyday classroom and school events.