TopicReads™ – Middle School

African American middle school student reading a TopicReads text on a laptop

TopicReads is an evidence-based set of texts that support vocabulary, background knowledge, and comprehension for struggling, middle-school readers. Texts become progressively harder across the 6 levels, from an emphasis on the 600 most frequent root words at Level A to Level F, where all 2,500 root word families that make up 90% of all the words in texts appear. The texts are available in two formats: downloadable PDFs or online flipbooks.

Instructor Materials

TopicReads for Middle School Instructor guide cover

TopicReads for Middle School: Instructor Guide (PDF download)
Student Assessment Readings Levels A-F (PDF)
Student Exercises Levels A – F (zip file)

Level ADownload all Level A TopicReads (zip file)

Level BDownload all Level B TopicReads (zip file)

Level EDownload all Level E TopicReads (zip file)

Level FDownload all Level F TopicReads (zip file)