CCSS Webinar Series

This series of webinars on the Common Core State Standards offers educators the chance to hear from, and talk with experts who served in advisory roles to the CCSS development team. In their webinars, experts will discuss the knowledge base of the original CCSS report, ancillary documents, reports of foundations and policy groups, current implementation projects, and newly published research. The webinars will give educators the opportunity to focus on the core goals of the CCSS and to chart a course that supports literacy levels needed for the 21st century.

The ULI to Support Attainment of Content & English Language Proficiency Standards

Disciplinary Literacy: Navigating Literacy Contexts in Secondary Schools

Going Beyond Text Complexity: Considering text-task scenarios in understanding comprehension

Stretching Elementary Students in Complex Texts: Why? How? When?

Using Quantitative Measures of Text Complexity in Classroom Instruction

Informational Text and the CCSS: Pitfalls and Potential

Assessment and Instruction in the Era of the CCSS in English Language Arts

Dr. Tim Shanahan webinar

Dr. P. David Pearson: Research & the Common Core: Can the Romance-Survive?